Founder's Story: Sofi Amsale Mamo and the Birth of A Divine H2O

Founded in 2010 by Sofi Amsale Mamo in Los Angeles, A Divine H2O quickly became a leader in providing Natural Ionic Calcium Alkaline Water. Our water is purified and enhanced through a meticulous 7-stage process, resulting in the cleanest, highest-quality alkaline water with a perfectly balanced pH, infused with positive intentions for maximum hydration and health benefits.

My relationship with water began much earlier in life. As the child of a diplomat, I had the unique opportunity to travel extensively. One of my most vivid memories is standing on a ship, gazing at the endless expanse of the ocean, utterly mesmerized. This experience sparked a lifelong curiosity and passion for water.

Initially, my fascination with alkaline water wasn’t about business. Like a child with a newfound treasure, I wanted to share my discovery with everyone. I structured the water with a specific vibration and carried it everywhere, eagerly offering it to anyone who showed interest. Although many thought I was simply trying to sell something, I was genuinely excited about the benefits I had experienced.

It wasn’t until 2009 that I opened my first store. Since then, my greatest accomplishment has been hearing from customers about the positive changes they’ve noticed in their health and lives after regularly consuming our products. We’ve even garnered a significant following, including some well-known names.

Beautiful woman holding ADivineH2O carton

Our mission

Our mission extends beyond serving celebrities; we aim to spread awareness of the benefits of alkaline water to people from all walks of life. Currently, we have three stores in L.A. and distribute A Divine H2O across West Hollywood and other parts of the city. Looking ahead, I plan to expand our reach further and share the incredible benefits of alkaline water through a documentary, hoping to inspire even more people to embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Water delivery in Los Angeles

for questions, call 310-289-7800

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