Divine H2O

Spring Water and Purified Water

purified vs spring water

Purified Water

The majority of water bottles marketed in the United States claim to be “purified water.” This isn’t just a marketing trick to make the water look nicer, fresher, or purer. Companies can’t lawfully name their product “purified water” unless they can prove that their total impurity levels are fewer than 10-parts per million. A popular measure for determining the number of liquids is per million (or ppm). In the case of drinking water, 1ppm is one-milligram particle per liter of water.

Spring Water

Springwater” is the most popular bottled water purification option. It may not expressly specify “spring.”. Spring Water knowing also as groundwater, well water, or artesian water. They’re all the same type of thing. According to the EPA, water must come from an underground aquifer to be designated as a “spring.”

Distinctions Between Purified Water and Spring Water

ght: 400;”>There are many distinctions between purified spring water and spring drinking water. However, both contain the necessary minerals found in nature. There are also contaminants present in both. They could comprise nitrates, chlorine, and other chemical compounds added to the water through transport or processing or from the natural spring source itself. These harmful elements from natural springs are impossible to remove and recommended to choose water that is purified. Here are some major distinctions between spring water and purified drinking water:


  • Nutritional Value 

First, the spring water is distinct from drinking water that is purified. It contains minerals vital for human health, including magnesium and calcium. It could also contain harmful impurities. This makes it inedible to drink. But, it’s crucial to remember that it is considered that the spring is the best natural choice to drink. It is derived from underground formations, which are naturally filled with minerals and other elements. This is why springs have more nutritional value than water purified.


  • Healthy Water

Water from spring is more healthy than purified drinking and has greater mineral content than purified waters. It is not processed and is more likely to be safer for human consumption. Both kinds of drinking water are safe to drink and could enhance the overall quality of your life. Which one is best for you? Whichever you pick, you must verify its safety before making a choice. It’s crucial to comprehend the distinction between purified water from a spring and spring drinking water to make an informed decision.


  • Safe Water for Drinking

The water from springs contains the same contaminants that tap water does.  The cleaned and chlorinated water makes it safe for drinking. The treatment of Spring Water with chemical substances like chlorine and the process of ozonation allows transport by truck. Then, the water will deliver to carbon filtration in the bottling plant to remove elements and nitrates. After that, it is bottle-bottled. Once the process is completed, then the water is ready to use.


How is Spring Water not the same as purified water?

There are numerous benefits to drinking spring water. For instance, it has more minerals than tap water. However, it is important to be aware that all springs aren’t identical. The quality of drinking water in municipal systems can differ significantly from one region to another. Because of this, the springs may not be the same as purified water. However, they’re equally suitable for drinking.


Partly filtered Springwater contained rich natural minerals. It’s healthier than tap water that is purified and has the minerals you require to maintain your heart and bone health. It’s priced higher than bottle liquid, ideal for people who favor pure drinking water. The price difference is substantial. Therefore it is important to pick the right choice. If you’re worried about your well-being, you should consider purchasing bottled spring water.


Advantages of Spring Water over Purified Water

The spring water you drink has several advantages over purified tap water. Although both are safe to consume, the springs preserve the minerals necessary to maintain your health. It is refreshing tasting and has a lower pH than tap. Also, it has a lower toxicity level, which makes it less harmful to your body. Additionally, springs are rich in nutrients, making them ideal for your everyday drink.


Although spring water does have many advantages, it’s far from being as pure as tap water that is purified. By doing chlorination or ozonation, it can avoid contamination and protect the source. All commercially available springs undergo a carbon-filtration process that removes sediment and chlorine, leaving behind beneficial minerals. Both purified and spring waters have similar minerals. This is why it’s recommended to pick the purest or filtered version.



Purified water is a source of minerals and consists of a large number of dissolved minerals. While spring water is all-natural and may have some added minerals before packing, it could have other contaminants impacting your health. Despite the advantages of both varieties of drinking water, both are great for cooking and other activities. Both have advantages as well as disadvantages. So, it is best to select a source compatible with your lifestyle and personal preferences.