​​How Do I Test the pH Level of Water?

Water is life, but it can also have adverse effects if it’s contaminated by a mineral that’s not good for you.
So, if you’re looking to maintain your health and make sure you aren’t drinking water that’s bad for you, checking the pH of your home’s water is essential. It’s also good to know what kind of water you’re using in soups and to boil rice.

Wondering how to test your home’s pH without breaking your wallet? Let’s discuss three ways you can do that.

3 Ways to Test the pH of Water
Before measuring the pH of the water in your home, you should keep in mind that a pH of 7 is considered neutral, any measurement below 7 is acidic, and those above 7 are alkaline. Now that’s clear, let’s look at three ways you can accurately measure the pH of water:

1. pH Meter
A pH meter is the most reliable way to find the pH of water in your home. Most of these meters are calibrated, which means they are as accurate as can be, so your measurements are rarely going to be off.

However, you should always read the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use the meter to get the most accurate results. Why? Because even though the meter may be reliable, your way of using it can produce unreliable results.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s discuss how to use a pH meter to find the pH of any kind of water:

  • Fill a container with the water you want to test. It can come from a tap, a bottle, or anywhere else.
  • Let your water container sit outside until it reaches room temperature. This helps produce accurate readings. Water that’s too cold or too warm can throw off pH readings.
  • Clean the probe of your pH meter by using distilled water. You should also dry it using a clean tissue.
  • Dip the probe of your pH meter into the water container, making sure the water covers the tip of the electrode.
  • Allow your pH meter probe to reach equilibrium. The time your meter take is going to be determined by its manufacturer. So, pay attention to their instructions.
  • Read the pH meter to find the pH of your water sample. If the pH is less than 7, the water is acidic, but if it is higher than 7, it’s alkaline.

2. pH Paper
A pH paper is another way to test the pH of water. It’s as reliable as a pH meter but takes more time. So, if you aren’t a fan of doing too much scientific work, a pH meter may be your best option.

Regardless, let’s look at how you can use pH paper to find the pH of a water sample:

  • Fill a container with your sample of water. Make sure the container is tall enough to cover at least half of the pH testing strip.
  • Let the water come to room temperature. You can avoid this step if your water sample is already at the correct temperature.
  • Drip the test strip into the container. The time depends on the manufacturer’s instructions, so don’t forget to read them.
  • Take the strip out once it has changed color.
  • Match the color of the strip against the chart provided by the manufacturer. It will help you find out the pH level of your water sample.

3. Litmus Paper
Litmus is not going to let you know the exact pH of your water sample. However, it will let you know whether it is acidic or alkaline.

Let’s look at how you can find the pH of your water sample using litmus paper:

  • Fill a container with your water sample. Make sure it’s deep enough to cover the litmus paper strip.
  • Dip the litmus paper into the container.
  • Wait a few seconds until it changes color. It usually takes around 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Look at the color of the strip to determine the pH of your water sample. If the color of litmus paper is red, your sample is acidic. But if it turns blue, it is alkaline.

The Takeaway
Checking the pH of the water you’re using in your cooking or drinking can help you vastly improve your health. There are many ways you can check it, but the ones we’ve talked about above are the most reliable.

You can use these methods to measure water from your tap, alkaline water, and other kinds of water available to you. These methods can also help you discover whether your water delivery service actually provides the pH-specific water they claim to.

If they don’t, you can always switch to a more reliable water delivery service in Los Angeles.


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